Monday, 14 December 2015 | By: Wabeywoo

I Vow To Be Courageous, Not Allow Myself Undone

I'm a little early doing a blog for 2016, the year is not yet over, in fact we have a good two and a bit weeks left. However, my plans for 2016 are well under way and I have decided that I am going to blog my plans and goals for the coming year, help hold myself accountable I guess by telling you all.

So to begin with, a few weeks ago I decided to order myself Leonie Dawson's Shining Year in Life Workbook. It's a workbook with different sections on different aspects of your life and it helps you find your goals and work towards them. They are amazing, apparently, and if they are as good as they say they are then 2016 is going to be rocking. As soon as I finish putting my goals in there...still need to figure a few out.

My aim for this time 2016 is to be happy and healthy, something I'm well, lets be honest, not right now. Happy, I am working on, I'm certainly happier about my circumstances than I have been although some areas require major improvement. Healthy? Excuse me while I laugh myself into a heart attack. But it's not just my physical body health. While, yes, I need to lose several pounds I also want to improve my mental health. I've made steps towards it, a couple of weeks ago I attended a course called "Developing Personal Resilience." For me, it came along at the right time, although a few months earlier wouldn't have hurt. This course kinda showed me what people have been telling me all along, that I need to stop worrying, that I need to take the time out for me, to stop stressing over every little detail and to stop fearing things I cannot control.

Yeah, yeah, I know you told me, shush.

So my workbook came the weekend after I did that course and it was perfect timing. I got started straight away, wrote the things that went wrong this year. the things I gained this year (house, yay!) and other such reflective questions.

I won't bore you with the rest of the workbook for now, but what I am going to share is the section called "100 things to do in 2016!". Now, of course I don't have all 100 things in my list yet, but I do currently have 29. So they are:-

  1. Get more pagan articles published (I'm aiming for 2-3 and I know I have 1 getting published so far, so I only have two left to do!)
  2. Fire Walk (This will happen at the camp I'm going to in August, I've done it before and it's fricking amazing!)
  3. Speak publicly about my beliefs (something else I already have in the pipeline...)
  4. Do NaNoWriMo! (And win, maybe)
  5. Read more - Witchy Books in particular (do you have any idea how many books I have? No, neither do I. But I do have 98 Witchy books, and a lot of them are to be read!) 
  6. Have more time for friends I don't see often
  7. Learn Tarot
  8. Take days off just for me (Day in the park, good book, cold drinks, that kinda thing)
  9. Practice my spirituality (this one probably needs a blog of it's own)
  10. Do the Fellowship of Isis course (No, not THAT ISIS)
  11. Do the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids Course
  12. Cook more meals from scratch (I think the changes to Weight Watchers will help with that)
  13. Spend less time on the internet (Unless it's for a genuinely useful reason like researching for courses or articles. Imgur does not count as research, no matter how it's dressed)
  14. Exercise more (more walking, running maybe?)
  15. Stop procrastinating (If something needs done, just fucking do it, Jen!)
  16. Reach 10st 4lb again (I can dream)
  17. Have days out with Andy (Just to prove he is capable of leaving the house)
  18. Have tech free days (Although I will end up watching a dvd with hubby, no laptop, no phone...might die.)
  19. Blog fortnightly (lets see how long this one lasts!)
  20. Plan out my weekly "chores" (lets see how long this one lasts too...)
  21. Read 10 books of my shelf before I buy any new ones (of course this means between now and the 1st January I will be buying all of the books...)
  22. Sell jewellery (I had an offer a few months ago, I think it's time to visit that offer :) )
  23. Change hair colour and style (Yep - red is going babes!)
  24. Learn a new skill (vague as fuck, but I'm sure I can learn something new!)
  25. Go to Glastonbury by myself. (Looking at this as a retreat thing, time spent in the Chalice Wells and Goddess Temple to just chill and re-connect with my spiritual side)
  26. Get a new job that suits me better (All of the yes)
  27. Go to the cinema on my own (Never done it, and why the fuck not?)
  28. Leave the country at least once (Depending on how it goes, going to Scotland may count, but preferably crossing the Channel)
  29. Go somewhere in the UK I've never been before (Because it's sizable, this country of ours, and there's plenty I've never seen)
So that's what I've got so far, if you are good friends reading this, please question me on how I'm getting on monthly, I can bore you with all the details, but hopefully I will be blogging how I'm getting on and you will be able to find out that way. Blogging also comes under useful internetting time...totes.

So along with the workbook I have the planner, which is basically a diary but it has sections to help you plan your goals within your months so I am going to be doing that over the two weeks I have off over Christmas. 

2016 I am going to own you :) 

(And because I like to finish on a musical note, have a song from my album of 2016)


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